Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Flowering Trees Can Bring Color And Joy To Your Garden

Flowering trees are an important addition to any landscape as they can add a lot of color and depth to the surroundings. Trees come in many varieties and you can try out the flowering varieties to make your garden stand out with brilliance.
Flowering trees not only make the surroundings colorful but they also provide shade and shelter for native birds and butterflies. The seeds and flowers attract a lot of wildlife in the form of bees, insects, squirrels and birds. They can make the atmosphere cheerful and turn your garden into a wonderful abode where you can spend a lot of time.
The beauty of these trees lie in their colorful blooms but there are many specific flowering varieties that also have fall interest in the form of distinct fall foliage. You can grow these trees in the background or as a specimen in the garden. You can also grow them near your garage or driveway to make the area lively and bright. Moreover, these trees can last for many years and if maintained well, they can add to the beauty of your garden for a long time.
A well designed landscape with some of the showiest flowers and trees can add a lot of value to your property. You can ensure that your garden gets a lot of praises and even envious looks by growing some beautiful flowering trees that can make the heads turn. Dogwood varieties, Yoshino Cherry, Kwanzan Cherry, Redbud, Flowering Cleveland Pear, Crabapple, Bradford Pear, Princess Tree and Mimosa are some amazing varieties that bear colorful flowers in the blooming season.
The blooms have a pleasant and sweet scent. Most of these trees are hardy and adaptable. They can do well in almost any kind of soil provided that they get enough water and sunlight. The dainty flowers create a wonderful ambience and you would certainly love spending more time in your garden amongst these beautiful flowering trees.
While buying flowering trees for your garden make sure that you go in for good quality and healthy trees as they have better chances of growth and survival. You would have to take proper care of your young trees for at least a year after transplanting. Give them plenty of water so that the roots remain moist but not waterlogged at all times. Once they are established, they will add a splash of color to your yard. Our Online Nursery has a great selection of flowering trees.

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